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Pharaoh Ant


Actual Size: 1/16′ – ⅛”

Characteristics: Small; typically light yellow to red in color with black markings on the abdomen.

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Wings: No

Habitat: Indoor nests near moisture, such as kitchens, bathrooms, interior wall voids, under floors, and behind baseboards.


  • Attracted to moisture and will nest in inaccessible areas.
  • Colonies are very large with over 300,000 individuals and multiple queens.
  • Potentially dangerous in hospitals due to their ability to transmit disease organisms.

Pharaoh Ants in Salina

One of the most persistent ants to control in the Salina area is the Pharaoh ant. They have extremely large colonies, containing up to several million workers and thousands of queens. This makes them difficult to eliminate. An invasive species, they outcompete native ants species and force them out of the area. When disturbed, Pharaoh ant colonies can split and create new colonies. This enables them to spread throughout homes and buildings rapidly. Outdoors, they prefer nesting in lawns and gardens. Inside, they will nest anywhere that’s well protected. Pharaoh ants are constantly on the search for more food. They feed on sweets, proteins, and live or dead insects.

Pharaoh Ant Habitat

Areas near moisture, such as sprinkler systems and evaporative cooling units, are ideal for Pharaoh ants. Inside structures, Pharaoh ant nests can be tough to locate because they’re usually out of the way. In hospitals, nursing homes, and food-processing facilities, you can find them in kitchens, laundry rooms, boiler rooms, and around heating ducts, toilets, and pipes. Pharaoh ants travel from room to room on electrical wiring and plumbing pipes, allowing them access to an entire structure.

Pharaoh Ant Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Pharaoh ants do not bite, but they carry and transmit dangerous pathogens that can get people and pets sick. This includes salmonella and streptococcus. When they invade hospitals and nursing homes, it can be a big problem. They can contaminate sterile operating rooms, surgical equipment, and recovery rooms.

Most conventional pest control treatments do not control Pharaoh ants, so if a Pharaoh ant infestation is suspected, you will want to contact a professional ant exterminator.

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