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Cellar Spider


Actual Size: Approximately ¼” not including long thin legs

Characteristics: Pale yellow to light brown or gray in color with very long thin legs.

Legs: 8

Habitat: Found in damp cellars, basements, crawlspaces, garages, and dark quiet places.


  • Sometimes confused with daddy long legs and harvestmen.
  • Natural enemies of the large house spiders that live in homes.
  • Constructs webs in corners and ceilings, usually hanging belly-up.

Cellar Spiders in Salina

Cellar spiders are inconspicuous, harmless, fragile spiders with extremely long, thin legs. They are sometimes confused with daddy longlegs spiders, which are a different unrelated species. They are common in Salina homes, especially in garages, basements, and cellars, hence the name. Cellar spiders can be seen in corners and ceilings, usually hanging belly-up. Cellar spiders are the natural enemy of large house spiders that live in homes, and will also feed on flies, bees, wasps, and even other cellar spiders when food is scarce.

Cellar Spider Habitat

In nature, cellar spiders usually live in the openings of caves, or crevices in cliffs, and other protected places. Indoors, they are often found in damp cellars, basements, crawl spaces, garages, and dark, quiet places with their irregular messy webs. They are highly sensitive to vibrations and will close in on an unsuspecting insect rapidly if it happens to wander into its web. Male and female cellar spiders may remain active in climate-controlled structures year-round.

Cellar Spider Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Although cellar spiders do have venom, they are not known to bite humans. However, due to the large amount of webbing they produce, they are considered a nuisance pest to homeowners. They continuously add to these webs, creating thick wads that are  an eyesore in homes and commercial buildings.

If you are dealing with cellar spider problems in your home, contact your local spider exterminators.

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